Welcome To Bobtails Horley Infant School

Accepting for September 2024 now.

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential.

Our Ofsted Report

The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted) is an independent, non-ministerial department of the UK government that inspects and regulates services that provide education, training, and care.

Government Funding

There are multiple options for government funding, take a look at which is best for you.

Wide Range of Facilities

At Bobtails Horley Infant School we’re privileged to have full use of the school grounds including the astro football pitch, the basketball pitch, the wildlife pond area, the forest area and the adventure field. We firmly believe that children need to get messy, run around and have fun to learn. We also plan many activities from riding trikes around the playground and on the school field, team games on the football pitch, hockey, football, climbing, crawling, dancing, jumping and, above all, just letting children be children and enjoy themselves.

Custom Pre-School Building

Bobtails at Horley Infant School is set in a purpose-built building called “The Warren” on the grounds of the school. Built specifically for Bobtails, everything has been crafted for us to give our children the best possible.

Keep their growing minds engaged