Welcome To Bobtails St Francis Church
Accepting for September 2024 now.
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential.
Our Ofsted Report
The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted) is an independent, non-ministerial department of the UK government that inspects and regulates services that provide education, training, and care.
Government Funding
There are multiple options for government funding, take a look at which is best for you.
Rated Ofsted Outstanding in
All Areas
We’re proud to have been rated Ofsted Outstanding in all areas once again during our most recent inspection in June 2023; making Bobtails at St Francis 24 years Outstanding.
5 Minutes from Horley Town Center
Conviently located on a main bus route
Private on-site parking for parents and carers
Walking distance to Horley Train Station
Staff trained in First Aid and DBS checked
Custom Outdoor Play Area and Private Parking
The outdoor area of St Francis Chruch Hall has been completely custom-built for Bobtails including an astro field and playground surfacing to provide our children with the best they can get. We also have private on-site parking for parents making pickup and dropoff as convenient as possible.